OGSR Wireline October 2023

Published: Tue, 10/31/23

OGSR Wireline
by OGSR Library

October 2023 Edition

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Monthly Drilling Report
September 2023

New Licences Issued

Licence No. Issue Date Operator County Township Type/Class  Licence Depth (m)
T012718 2023-09-13 Enbridge Gas Inc. Welland Humberstone OPGP/NPW 237.60
T012719 2023-09-13 1000073740 Ontario Inc. Lambton Warwick OPGP/NPW 750.00
T012721 2023-09-20 Umicore Rechargeable Battery Materials Canada Inc. Lennox/Addington Ernestown STR/STR 20.00
T012722 2023-09-20 Umicore Rechargeable Battery Materials Canada Inc. Lennox/Addington Ernestown STR/STR 30.00
T012723 2023-09-20 Umicore Rechargeable Battery Materials Canada Inc. Lennox/Addington Ernestown STR/STR 35.00
T012724 2023-09-20 Umicore Rechargeable Battery Materials Canada Inc. Lennox/Addington Ernestown STR/STR 30.00
T012725 2023-09-20 Umicore Rechargeable Battery Materials Canada Inc. Lennox/Addington Ernestown STR/STR 25.00

New Licences Issued (for Existing Wells)

Licence No. New Issue Date Operator County Township Status  TD (m)
T012720 2023-09-13 Adamson Farms Essex Mersea GP/UNK 329.79

  Wells Drilled to Total Depth (TD)

Wells Plugged  


Click Here to Download the MDR in Microsoft Excel Format

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GIS Days in November!

Join us on November 15th for the GIS Day open-house held at Western Libraries.

We will have a booth displaying our latest 3D models and AR/VR experiences! 

The virtual event runs November 13-16 and is free to attend.

For details visit: https://gisdays-westernu.hub.arcgis.com

Latest EPEX presentation video:

The Hydrogen Supplement to CSA Z341 by Colman Hale

Check the EPEX 2023 PLAYLIST for more uploads

We are open Mon - Fri, 8am - 4:30pm

Office: (519) 686-2772, Email: info@ogsrlibrary.com

If you are having trouble viewing this newsletter, it can be viewed here

What is the OGSR Library?

The Oil, Gas & Salt Resources Library is a not-for-profit corporation that manages all of Ontario's public drilling and production data from the petroleum and solution mined salt industries. This includes processing, storing, and providing safe and convenient access to all of the industry's drill core and rock cuttings. The Library makes as much of this data as possible available through our online portal to members all over the world. The financial support of the petroleum industry and our membership make this possible.

Please visit www.ogsrlibrary.com/membership_ontario_oil_gas_salt for more information on becoming a member and accessing data.

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