Day 1 at the Ontario Ground Water Open House 2025 in Waterloo. Pictured left to right: Jordan, Melissa, Connor, Brian
We had a great time showing our latest tools for educators at the 2025 Ontario Ground Water Open House. Our table featured our latest 3D printed geological models of Ontario, and our 3D model viewer and PC game 'Extinction!', which will soon be available to try in your web browser. Big
thanks to the conference organizers and everyone who visited our table!
The Oil, Gas & Salt Resources Library is a not-for-profit corporation that manages all of Ontario's public drilling and production data from the
petroleum and solution mined salt industries. This includes processing, storing, and providing safe and convenient access to all of the industry's drill core and rock cuttings. The Library makes as much of this data as possible available through our online portal to members all over the world. The financial support of the petroleum industry and our membership make this possible.